Delivering technical texts in English.
Putting you in touch with the world
– and the world with you.
Communication is one of your tasks.
Communication between a translator and the party commissioning a translation is also important. To produce a good result – a text in another language that is effective and fulfils its purpose – the translator must know what the customer trying to achieve. This may be obvious from the source text, but it shouldn’t be taken as a given.
For that reason, a close working relationship between professional translators and their customers is essential.
Sadly, translation work is often subcontracted, possibly even multiple times, which is not conducive to this relationship. Ultimately, it leads to the impression that translations are sourced “from the Internet”, just as water comes out of the tap.
I challenge the status quo and value contact with the users of my translations and authors of the texts upon which they are based, wherever that contact is possible.