
Right on target

Your message, in English.


Why order a translation?

You might have found your way to this website because you’re looking for a translation. It’s far more likely, though, that you need something else: a communcation channel that works.

Businesses and institutions buy translation services for a reason. They want to sell their products or services. They want to ensure that technical products are installed, serviced and repaired properly. Institutions and NGOs seek to get their message across to a readership that speaks a different language.

It follows that in a commercial context, the yardstick for a translation is how well it fulfils its purpose. Does a translation commissioned by a company or institution help that company or institution to reach its targets?

As the saying goes, a chain breaks at its weakest link. If a translation is part of your communication channel, it needs to take account of your objectives.

It’s not about the text. It’s about the result.

I’m Marc Prior, a technical translator specializing in industrial technology. Browse my website for more about how I can help you to achieve your results.

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